Your participation is key!

FONS strongly encourages participation by students, families, and friends in our events and activities. Together, we can do great things!

Your paid FONS membership of $20/family each school year supports the excellence of our music and performing arts programs. It also ensures your eligibility to: 1) chaperone choir trips; 2) become an officer of FONS; 3) apply for a FONS scholarship (with a senior in the choir program).

Your support is welcome!

Our fundraising efforts help offset student costs for choir trips, purchase music, fund productions, and sponsor annual scholarships for NHS seniors.

In 2019, FONS made a significant contribution to update rigging in the auditorium stage ceiling, which was an essential improvement for safety and function that fell outside of the district's renovation budget.

Donations to Friends of Nutley Singers, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit (Tax ID 22-3820120), are tax-deductible and eligible for corporate matching gifts and corporate spending account programs. Ask your company’s HR department for details.

Make an online donation to FONS.

Stay in touch!

Join us for meetings, events, and performances, and stay in the know via FONS Remind, social media, and emails.

  • NHS families, text @fons22nhs to 81010.
  • JHWMS families, text @fons22jwms to 81010.
Friends of Nutley Singers | Nutley High School | 300 Franklin Avenue | Nutley, NJ 07110
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Friends of Nutley Singers (FONS)
300 Franklin Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110 |
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